This afternoon after our visit to ADISA we were given about 3 hours before dinner for free time to rest, reflect, or explore the city. Following the precedent set by James last year, a group of 6 of us immediately walked over to a level patch of dirt and gravel sitting in the shadow of a volcano across the lake, with cinder blocks goal posts. This patch of ground served as the pickup soccer field for the local children; today a group of four somewhere around the age of 7 were playing with a miniature ball. Our guide (James) talked if over with them and joined their team against the other 5 of us. Over the course of the next 90 minutes we experienced the joy that futbol brings regardless of language or age. A man who seemed liked one of their fathers called at the "Gringo" and threw us a full size ball and a couple of other kids joined in. By the time we left there was a crowd for these kids and us, cheering along and laughing whenever one of the kids beat us. One of the best parts about this whole game was that it didnt really matter that we didn't know hardly any Spanish, let alone anything relevant to a futbol match, but afterwards we all agreed how we wish we did. There will be a rematch tomorrow at approximately 3pm, and all are welcomed to attend!
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