Saturday, May 23, 2015

Living Uncomfortably

Everyone I have met so far from Guatemala on this trip, has been so happy and grateful, no matter where they have ended up in their life. I have especially seen that today, as we spent the day at ADISA. The people at ADISA have been through so much and yet don't seem to let anything phase their spirit and faith as they go through life. The work that they do they are so good at, what they did in one minute took me at least five to get the hang of.

One of the most important things that I have learned while being in Guatemala is that God doesn't call you to be comfortable.

"Call sometimes seems impossible, because it would be, without God." Once I heard this, everything made a little bit more sense. To me, call could be something that you may have a talent for, but you may not be able to see it in yourself. For so long after realizing that being a teacher was no longer for me, I have been searching for something more that I am passionate about and want to spend my life doing.. Something where I can make a difference in other people's lives. I have come to the conclusion recently, partly through things I have learned about and seen here in Guatemala, that I should stop searching for exactly what I think I should be doing, and instead try to understand and work with wherever God takes me in my life. I know that He has a plan for me and that He will call upon me at the right time. For now, I will just continue to try to live my life uncomfortably, helping others in any way that I can and continuing to learn. I am just going to jump into life, and meet God there.

Nighty poo, don't poo in you're nighty. - Steve (our trip facilitator)

-Sarah Pierce

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